Coronavirus Health Advisory
World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Corona Virus (Covid-19) a Pandemic (global).
- Master repository of this information is HRC Facebook page (frequently updated).
As a responsible organization, HRC is working with several community organizations in Pakistan to create awareness by sharing CoronaVirus information from credible source such as WHO, CDC, and Government channels.
Due to rapid spread of highly infectious Coronavirus (Covid-19), HRC urges everyone to follow these preventive measures to keep yourself and your families safe from virus infection.
WHO: What is Corona Virus (Covid-19)?
WHO: How is COVID-19 spread and how do you protect yourself against it?
WHO: When and how to use masks?
WHO: How to handwash with soap and water?
WHO: Frequently Asked Questions
HRC: How to prevent Coronavirus infection
1. Immediately stop social gatherings — this has the highest risk of spreading and getting infection.
2. Keep at least six (6) feet distance from each other (normally virus transfers when an infected person coughs, sneezes, and you ingest the airborne virus). This implies no hand shakes or hugs.
3. Stop touching your eyes, nose, mouth with your bare [unclean] fingers. This is how virus infects you.
4. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap for at least 20-seconds after touching any object touched by others and before using fingers to touch eyes, nose, mouth.
5. Disinfect hard surfaces in your home frequently. Examples: door handle, kitchen counters etc.
6. Keep anti-bacterial Hand Sanitizer with you at all times Use Sanitizer after EVERY TIME you touch a surface in public.
7. Wear mask as precaution. If you were coughing, this prevents spreading germs. If you are not sick, face mask will force you to avoid touching your mouth and nose area.
8. Keep enough food ration at home to prevent public exposure, lowering your risk of infection.
NOTE: Master repository of this information is HRC Facebook page (frequently updated).
Tag:balochistan, corona, coronavirus, covid19, quetta, virus
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